Meet the Falcon team

Here at Falcon, staff have dedicated roles in order to maximise efficiency throughout the whole business. This allows increased specialisation and an opportunity for our clients to have access to help and support from the relevant team throughout their whole project. Have a look below to find out about a few of our teams and what they do to help you.
Andrew Brown
Andrew joined the company straight from university after graduating with an Hons degree in Business Management. He was Finance Manager up until 2011, when he became Commercial Director. Andrew was promoted to Managing Director in Feb 2021.
Andrew BrownManaging
Barbara Brown
Joined the company in 1983 and was promoted to General Manager of group operations in 2000. Barbara is a non-executive director.
Barbara BrownNon-Executive
Ian Gray
Ian began in the crane industry with Wyseplant as a trainee in 1982. Through the 80's and 90's he held many positions such as operator, erector and supervisor before moving on to Operations Manager within various crane companies. Ian joined Falcon in 1999 as Operations Manager before becoming Sales Director in 2006 and National Sales Director in 2011.
Ian GrayNational Sales
Steve Paxman
Steve first came into cranes as a driver for White Trucks during the late 80's and early 90's before moving to Kent Cranes as a Sales Representative. He then had two short stints at Ainscough and Baldwins before joining Falcon in 2000 as Sales Manager, becoming Sales Director in 2006.
Steve PaxmanSales
Thomas Greaves
Thomas GreavesFinance
Rupert Cook
Rupert started off in the hydraulics, mechanics and electrics sector before joining Falcon in 2006 as an electrician. Before taking on the Service Manager's position in 2013, he became an all-round multi-skilled field engineer. After 3 years in the job he became Associate Service Director in 2016.
Rupert CookAssociate Service